We rely on our supporters to keep our services going and thank those who have actively supported our cause. Donations are welcomed and help us meet the core costs of running our charity, such as office rental, room hire for drop-ins and other essential office costs. We also offer a welfare fund to relieve hardship amongst asylum seekers and refugees.
The easiest way to donate is by using the JustGiving Donate button or scanning the QR code on the left. This allows donations to be collected and sent to us directly.
This can be a one-off donation or you also have the option to set up a regular recurring monthly payment to us by direct debit.
For taxpayers, JustGiving automatically claims Gift Aid on our behalf, boosting any donation by 25%. It couldn’t be easier.
Bank Transfer or Cheque
Donations can be sent to:
The Treasurer
RAIS Lancaster
The Cornerstone
Sulyard Street
Please make cheques payable to “RAIS Lancaster”
Or you can make a bank transfer to:
RAIS Lancaster
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account No: 67223273
If you wish to become a regular supporter, please download a Standing Order Form. If you are a UK taxpayer you can make your donation worth 25% more by completing the Gift Aid Declaration Form. This will allow us to reclaim the tax you have already paid. Both forms can be returned to the address above.
Shop with Easyfundraising

Easyfundraising for RAIS Lancaster
You can also support our cause by signing up to Easyfundraising when your favourite brands donate to the cause you care about whenever you shop with them. All you have to do is click on the link above or scan the QR Code on the left to get started.