Travel expenses for asylum seekers required to report at reporting centres outside Lancaster

The Home Office guidance states:

Asylum seekers living outside of the 3 mile radius of their reporting location  and receiving asylum support are eligible to receive assistance with travel expenses for reporting. (The Home Office (2018) Reporting and Offender Management, p.31)

If this applies to you, you need to apply in person at the reporting centre.

If your application is approved, you should get a ticket for your journey home, and one for your next journey to report.

This means that the asylum seeker has to meet the cost of the first outward journey (or the next journey they make if they have not previously claimed travel expenses). If you cannot afford the ticket for the journey, then you can apply to RAIS for financial help (subject to available funding). Just bring your letter telling you when and where to report to our Monday afternoon drop-in at the Cornerstone.